
CUSTOM PROBIOTICS formulates and supplies highest quality and potency probiotic dietary supplements for children and adults at affordable prices. We also strive to bring to the consumer recent developments emanating from academia and industry regarding the use and health benefits of probiotics by regular updates of our website. Probiotics play a key role in human nutrition and health by balancing the intestinal flora naturally.
CUSTOM PROBIOTICS Inc. was established in 1999. Harry Bronozian, a chemist and a chemical engineer, who personally suffered from Helicobacter Pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers, for eight (8) months and Candida for ten (10) years, formulated these highest potency multi-strain probiotic supplements. Both Candida and H. Pylori were under control within two months of regular use of our Adult Formula CP-1 capsules and ultra-high potency probiotic powders (about 800 billion cfu’s per day). In fact, an endoscopy and biopsy after eight months indicated elimination of H. Pylori.
Our probiotic formulations are being recommended by Medical Doctors, Nutritionists, Dieticians, Naturopathic Doctors, Chiropractors, Pharmacists, and are being used by consumers worldwide. They are promptly shipped locally, nationally and internationally.